ORPALIS PDF Reducer Professional can be fully automated through command line interface.
Bellow you will find all supported parameters of the latest available version that can be downloaded from http://pdfreducer.orpalis.com/
Code: Select all
pdfreducer.exe [parameters]
- /Min to start application with minimized window state (since PDF Reducer 1.1.7)
/P <input folder>
/F <input file(s)> (note: each file path is delimited by the vertical bar character '|')
/D <destination folder>
/T <number of threads>
/NS (don't process sub folders)
/DC to disable the "color detection" option
/DR to disable the "re-compress images" option
/DU to disable the "discard unused objects" option
/DD to disable the "downscale images" option
/Q <image quality value> (0: low, 1: Medium, 2: High, 3: Very high)
/R <resolution> (image downscale resolution)
/DJ2K to disable the "JPEG 2000 compression" option
/RF to remove form-fields
/RA to remove annotations
/RB to remove bookmarks
/RE to remove embedded files
/linearized to enable fast web view
/MRC to enable MRC compression (since PDF Reducer 2.0.2)
Code: Select all
pdfreducer.exe /F "C:\myPdfs\input\file1.pdf|C:\myPdfs\input\file2.pdf" /D "C:\myPdfs\output" /T 2
Code: Select all
pdfreducer.exe /P "C:\myDocuments" /D "C:\myDocuments" /T 8
Best Regards,